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Yeast Infections

CBD can be helpful with yeast, as CBD is a potent antifungal, and also has anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful with the swelling and tenderness that is associated with a yeast infection. The hemp seed carrier oil, found in CBD Dog Health’s tinctures, adds extra therapeutic benefit to handling yeast in our dogs.
According to holistic pet expert, Angela Ardolino, the first thing you want to do is clean the area with a 1:1 solution of Apple Cider Vinegar and water. After that, you can apply a topical CBD salve like our Remedy Salve. Our REMEDY Full Spectrum salve is used to reduce, and promote healing of, fungal infections, yeast infections, skin infections, polyps, warts, and other growths. This will reduce inflammation, redness and itchiness and bring the skin back to balance. Apply the Remedy salve every day, up to 2-3 times daily, as needed.
The next thing you might want to consider is using an oral tincture like our EASE tincture. This will boost the immune system throughout their body and allow them to naturally keep the yeast down on a consistent basis.
Here are some helpful links to learn more about CBD and yeast: