When will my order ship?
Orders are processed and shipped within 1-4 business days from the time the order is submitted with full payment. Expedited orders placed before 3:00 PM ET will be processed for delivery to the shipping provider on the next business day; expedited orders placed after 3:00 PM ET will be processed and shipped out within the next 2 business days. The day an order is tendered to the shipping provider does not count as a day in transit.
Orders placed from Friday to Sunday will be processed the following Monday (or next business day, if the Monday is a holiday) and shipped within 1-4 days. USPS and UPS have limited service on Saturdays, and do not pick up or deliver on Sundays or recognized holidays.
When the carrier receives your package, you will receive an automated email with your tracking information. Unfortunately, the automated shipment tracking emails sometimes end up in junk/spam folders, so please also check those folders.
For more information please see our policies page.