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CBD has been used by humans to treat seizures for years and has shown great success in both animals and people.
In fact, in 2003, the U.S. government patented CBD as a neuroprotectant (despite the U.S. prohibition on cannabis). Because of the rise of hemp-derived CBD for pets, studies focusing on the effects of CBD for dogs’ seizures is being studied now more than ever.
Animal research indicates that the anti-seizure effects of CBD may result from reducing the excitability of neurons by acting on two receptor groups called GPR55 and TRPV1 receptors.
In a recent study, neurologist Stephanie McGrath assessed the short-term effect of CBD on seizure frequency in 16 dogs. Researchers randomly assigned a placebo or a hemp-derived CBD treatment to dogs in the trial for 12 weeks. Nine dogs received CBD while seven were given a placebo. All of the dogs in the study suffered from seizures.
Through the study, McGrath found that 89 percent of dogs who received CBD in the clinical trial had a reduction in the frequency of seizures. Additionally, McGrath saw a significant association between the degree of seizure reduction and the amount of CBD concentration in the dog’s blood.
The first thing to do is spend some time determining the dosage that will be most effective for your pet. Despite common misconceptions, dosing CBD has very little to do with your dog’s size and weight. Dosage is most effectively determined with consideration for each animal’s unique physiological condition. During the first few weeks, we recommend a trial and error method as you monitor your animal’s response and determine optimal dose.
Based on our experience, we have seen success with 35–50 mg of our HEAL 1100 mg Full Spectrum Hemp Extract (CBD oil) daily. Break the daily dosage into several doses throughout the day (microdosing) for best absorption and to maintain it in the bloodstream. CBD reaches a peak at 2 hours and is absent after 6 hours. Microdosing helps maintain the CBD in the bloodstream, which aids in the prevention of seizures. Additionally, CBD for dogs’ seizures can also be utilized situationally when your dog is experiencing an episode.
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