Until you start your pet on a CBD regimen, there is no way to be sure exactly how they will react. Sensitivity ranges greatly between dogs and can even change over time based on age or chronic illness.
Sensitivity to cannabis ranges greatly with little correlation to weight and size, so the best way to determine the right dose is to focus on each animal's unique condition.
That’s why we recommend a trial and error method to determine the optimal dose for your pet. Start low and go slow as you increase dosage and find a stable regimen, monitoring your pet’s response each step of the way. Based on research and our experience, we recommend giving 1mL of CBD tincture a day. You start low and adjust based on your pet’s response to determine your optimal dose. Be prepared to experiment with the dose during the first couple weeks of use as you figure out what works best for your pet. Consistency is super important! Split full daily dose into 2-3 doses throughout the day.
If giving to your dog twice a day (every 12 hours):
0.5 mL in the morning
0.5 mL at night
If giving to your dog thrice a day (every 8 hours):
0.5 mL in the morning
0.25 mL in the afternoon
0.25 mL at night
Here are some helpful links that will give you more information about our recommended dosing protocol: