Until you start your pet on a full spectrum hemp extract regimen, there is no way to be sure exactly how they will react. Sensitivity ranges greatly between dogs and can even change over time based on age or chronic illness.
That’s why we recommend a trial-and-error method to determine the optimal dose for your pet. Start low and go slow as you increase dosage and find a stable regimen, monitoring your pet’s response each step of the way. For our CBD tinctures, we recommend, on average, getting up to 1.0 mL a day, with that 1.0 mL split 2-3 times throughout the day (i.e., 0.5 mL in the morning and 0.5 mL at night).
If 1mL a day is not working for your animal, you can increase each dose in 0.25mL increments. Wait a few days to determine if the increased dose is working before stepping up another 0.25mL.
It is important to split full daily dose into 2-3 doses throughout the day. By breaking the daily dosage up (microdosing), it helps maintain CBD in the bloodstream, which aids in the efficacy of the product. CBD reaches a peak at 2 hours and is absent around 6 hours.
For the fastest and best absorption, lift the lip and apply the dosage directly onto the gums. This is the most direct way into the bloodstream. You can also add it to food, but it can take significantly longer to reach the bloodstream, as it works its way through the gastrointestinal system.
Here are some helpful links that will give you more information about our recommended dosing protocol: